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Friday, April 3, 2009

Lurvxz iz nothing than wasting times

Hrmm..cmner plop ngn topix niew...ade bantahan??

Aque taw kt lwar snew tue rmai yg s2ju n x kuranx rmainyew ade gop hox dop s2ju..Rilex2..jangan baloh,kte akn bincngknnyew 2gether2...

Niew pndpt aque jer..jgn r ngamox,dop bek,dose taw..hehehe..grau jew...

Yew,mmg btowl niew pd pndngn aque jer,n mmg btowl pon...da bnyx contoh2 yg brlkuew kt msyrakt kte skang niew n slh s2 drinyew ialah yg niew..

Tp x seme r gni blkew..sstgh org jew n nax taw sapew??

Orunx tue ialah aque..apew??korunx kate aque niew ptus cinta??!!

Hahahahahahahaha......woitt!!!tolong r jgn wat aque gelak smpai trguling2...aque niew cintew pon aque xtaw ntang apew nikan polp nax bercintew,tipu r klu aque kbo aque xtaw cintew tue apew,ye2 aque ngakue aque taw apew itue cintew,tp dri sudut yg len r...Nax taw aque taw dr aner sal cintew ni??

Aque taw dr ANIME,novel n xlupew jugew dr msyrakat skeliling...klu korunx tnyew aque klu bley dipilih,aque nax cintew yg cmner??aque akn pilih dr dr dnia ANIME or NOVEL,sbb apew??sdh tn2 r sbb kisah2 cintew dorunx x r cam dnia realiti skang ni,mmg r aque ngakue ad gop hox lam novel n anime 2 ad gop cm skang tp xr seme sbijik cam skang...

Korunx nax taw knpew aque xskew cintew dnia realiti niew??first of all mmg r trsexsa,apew x tersexsa pown??adew aque katew sumer orunk gtue kew?aque jer wase gtue...mmg btowl pown,klu dop btowl knpew adew yang cam niey...

Kan???hehehe...Ni contoh kedwe why lurvx iz wasting timex...padew korunx secbux kjow cintew bek korunx study elok2,banggewkn mak bapak,dpt kijew yg bez2,kan kew idop senang 6t??msew tue korunx bley r gatal2 nk bercintew kew,kaple kew or sesng citew kawin jew trus,abis citew...

tp aque manusia niey jenis yg sukew klu diri dorunk dcintai,x heran r rmai yg lebih skew kjow cintew dr kjow citew2....mmg dop dinafikan rmai yg bhgia lam bercintew,kononnyew cintew r sglewnyew lam idop dorunx,pale hotax ye,cam ner plop ngan cintew cmni...

masing2 khianati pasangan masing2...ni kew cintew yg membawew kbhgiaan yg dorunk impikan tue??utk kengkawan aque yg dop s2juw tue,fokus aque skang niey ialah cintew kpd manusia k...yew aque ngakue cintew niey indah,tp lebih indah jikew saling mnyintai antara s2 smer len n time kekurangan masing2,tp bnyak kew yg cenggini?alngkah indah klu cintew cam niey...

or cam niey...

cam niey kew...

and last skali bhgia 4ever n ever cam niey....

Cam niey r baru dkatewkan kbhgiaan mutlak...
sampai cni jew r coretan aque kali niey,c u all again next timex.....
remember,don't let lurvx get u down....


Btowl x cakap aque??

Apew? x btowl??knpew?

Btowl apew...mybe bg korunx mendew ni x btowl,tp bg aque ianyew btowl...
Nax taw knpew n bagaimanew?
Ktew iquti kisah selanjutnyew......
Mingguew niew aque nax Oti-1,tp bnyax lg yg aque dop study...
Rimas!!!Dah r cxgue2 kt skul kcyunkngan aque 2 asyix mndesax suh kitorunx dpt straight A's,parentx aque plop x abis2 risau ngan resultx aque msew Tov tue...tp aque nax wat gnew..thap kmalasan aque mlebihi segalanyew,n bile smangat study aque dah mulew membara cam api yang menjulang tinggi,bendew len plop yg berlakue..
Korunx nax taw pe dier???(bg kengkwn aque yg bcew blog aque ni,korunx taw2 jew r apew..)
Bex fwenx aque plop wat hal...bile nax selesai pon aque x taw..sorunx krs kple n xnax dgr ncht,sorunx g krs kple gop n soxmo pkran ngtif(mklum r sex pieces r ktakan..)
sa2 bende jew yg wat aque msih ag ad smgt utk trus idop kt pnjra LEBEST trcinta nie..nax taw pe ye??
BEX FWENZ aque(utk kngkwn aque GENG2 NI,diulangi GENG2 NI)
Tp x pe r,aque taw dorunx pon xkisah dgn apew yg brlkuew,so aque kne r pretend like nothing happen now or forever...
P/S:Please r..someonex safe me from this disaster..to AIN N NISA,tolong r bebek mulew,aque da x tahn idop cenggini,klu bkn ntuk aque pon bebek r ats nme korunx sbgai sorunx muslimah,da lbih 3 ariey,korunx x bebek gopxx,please..please..