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Friday, April 3, 2009


Btowl x cakap aque??

Apew? x btowl??knpew?

Btowl apew...mybe bg korunx mendew ni x btowl,tp bg aque ianyew btowl...
Nax taw knpew n bagaimanew?
Ktew iquti kisah selanjutnyew......
Mingguew niew aque nax Oti-1,tp bnyax lg yg aque dop study...
Rimas!!!Dah r cxgue2 kt skul kcyunkngan aque 2 asyix mndesax suh kitorunx dpt straight A's,parentx aque plop x abis2 risau ngan resultx aque msew Tov tue...tp aque nax wat gnew..thap kmalasan aque mlebihi segalanyew,n bile smangat study aque dah mulew membara cam api yang menjulang tinggi,bendew len plop yg berlakue..
Korunx nax taw pe dier???(bg kengkwn aque yg bcew blog aque ni,korunx taw2 jew r apew..)
Bex fwenx aque plop wat hal...bile nax selesai pon aque x taw..sorunx krs kple n xnax dgr ncht,sorunx g krs kple gop n soxmo pkran ngtif(mklum r sex pieces r ktakan..)
sa2 bende jew yg wat aque msih ag ad smgt utk trus idop kt pnjra LEBEST trcinta nie..nax taw pe ye??
BEX FWENZ aque(utk kngkwn aque GENG2 NI,diulangi GENG2 NI)
Tp x pe r,aque taw dorunx pon xkisah dgn apew yg brlkuew,so aque kne r pretend like nothing happen now or forever...
P/S:Please r..someonex safe me from this disaster..to AIN N NISA,tolong r bebek mulew,aque da x tahn idop cenggini,klu bkn ntuk aque pon bebek r ats nme korunx sbgai sorunx muslimah,da lbih 3 ariey,korunx x bebek gopxx,please..please..